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You Can Reverse Your Autoimmune Diagnosis

Are you a mother, parent, grandparent, uncle, or aunt? 

Are you someone who enjoys spending time with family and friends?

Do you love playing with the kids?

There’s many activities that we love when we’re younger but struggle with when we get older.

Have you ever considered that joint pain, allergies, and other health issues are reversible?

They may not have to control you for the rest of your life. It’s not “Just the way it is”. 

Our bodies are beautifully made and designed to protect us from invaders. We have a whole system created just for the task of protecting us from viruses, disease, mold, fungus, and more. And our vascular system is designed to bring oxygen throughout our bodies to give us life. We’re designed to rid ourselves of toxins. 

We’re brought up in a system where we’re told that once you’re diagnosed with something you have it for the rest of your life. You’re told you’ll need medications for the rest of your life. 

That DOES NOT have to be your truth!

If we support the natural mechanisms that we have, in the right way, we can rid ourselves of medications and symptoms. 

If you’re suffering from an autoimmune disease and you need help, I’m here for you. I can help you find your life again, without the stressors of your symptoms, pains,  and medications. 

Book A Complimentary Call With Me Here – 

Below I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues.  Fill this out and review it with me.  We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1

Subscribe to my Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93EbbubPKJfZvcxdkBcL6A?


What Is Your Most Important Health Goal For 2021?

Happy New year!

I wanted to ask you a question that I think is very important. I want you to really think about this before you answer. 

What is most important to you in terms of your health?

What is meaningful to you when you talk or think about your health?

Is it meaningful to you to have more time and to feel better every day?

Is it meaningful to you to have less pain and increase mobility?

What is your most important health goal for 2021?

I would love the opportunity to help and guide you to your goals. 

Given what we saw in 2020 with this pandemic devastating the world, it’s so important to look into ways of avoiding issues with our health as we move forward. We must look into ways of doing things for ourselves that will minimize the risk of a virus like covid having serious effects on our health, short and long term. 

It became very clear that those who are taking more pills and medications are the people who are more at risk; as well as those who are older. Now, we know we can’t change our age but we can impact the way that we age and our overall health. 

I help people discover the root cause of their illness and I help them to intervene on the level of that root cause, in order to improve their overall health and wellness.

If there’s something that spoke to you in this video or you need help answering and figuring out these questions, don’t wait any longer. You deserve to live your life healthy. Book a complimentary call with me so I can help you reach your goals. 

Book A Complimentary Call With Me Here – 

Below I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues.  Fill this out and review it with me.  We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1

Subscribe to my Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93EbbubPKJfZvcxdkBcL6A?


How To Treat Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease With Functional Medicine

I wanted to talk to you about Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).

This is a diagnosis I saw often while working in the emergency department for over 20 years. It wasn’t typically something that they came for, but it would be found incidentally. It became more and more common as years went on. There’s a good reason for that. It goes to the underlying root cause being the most important part to fixing this. 

NAFLD is similar to what we used to call Alcoholic Cirrhosis. We called it that because it was typically caused from one’s overuse of alcohol. But now people are being impacted by this same type of liver disease while being non-drinkers. Part of the underlying cause is metabolic in nature. It goes to metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, as well as toxicity issues. 

Liver is the major detoxifying organ in our body. When we’re exposed to environmental toxins, that puts a heavy burden on our liver. At some point it will begin to malfunction. We begin to store our toxins in our fat cells. 

What can you do if you’ve been diagnosed with this?

The most important thing is figuring out the root cause for you to have developed this diagnosis. Getting to the root cause is where you can find a powerful intervention. 

What’s the best way to do that?

The best way is to see a functional medicine practitioner who understands the importance of getting a full and complete history of your health. Every person who is diagnosed with this has a different underlying root cause than the next person. That’s why it’s so important to get an individualized look and approach from a functional medicine practitioner. 

If this is something that speaks to you or someone you know, please understand that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. You need to have an individualized look at your underlying root cause. 

Book A Complimentary Call With Me Here – 

Below I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues.  Fill this out and review it with me.  We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1

Subscribe to my Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93EbbubPKJfZvcxdkBcL6A?


A Science Proven Way Of Relieving Pain, Immune Issues, and Inflammation

I would like to talk to you about clinical endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome, or CEDS. 

“What the heck is that???”, you ask?

Just like the cardiovascular system, just like the gastrointestinal system, just like the nervous system, we also have an endocannabinoid system. 

It’s a system that runs throughout our entire body. It consists of chemical enzymes, endocannabinoid chemical signals, and receptor sites.  The enzymes work to both create and break down endocannabinoid chemicals.  Cannabinoids are the chemical key that’s meant to fit the lock of these endocannabinoid receptor sites on our cells.  When this key opens the lock it increases and improves our cells’ ability to function correctly and brings homeostasis or balance to our cells and our body.   Cannabinoids are highly anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and work on our opioid receptors to help reduce pain as well.  Cannabinoids are called endocannabinoids when they are produced by our own body.  Cannabinoids found in plants that can be used as supplements are called phytocannabinoids.

Normally our body’s produce their own endocannabinoids.  However, given the toxic environment we live in, research shows that over time we do not produce enough endocannabinoids to produce the homeostasis that we need. A lot of that has to do with the way we live our lives.

This is where supplementing with phytocannabinoids comes into play.  I am not speaking about marijuana, the cannabis plant with high levels of THC, but rather, I am discussing an industrial hemp plant.  Industrial hemp and marijuana may both be in the cannabis family but they are entirely different plants.  Industrial hemp grows very tall (20 ft high sometimes) with a long and fibrous stalk, has a short life cycle, and has very little THC.   I am not discussing marijuanna which is short and bushy and bred for high THC levels that create a high.  What I am speaking of is CBD from industrial hemp which has high levels of many of the other beneficial phytocannabinoids that do not create the high many do not want. It is not addictive.  I am speaking of the legal non psychoactive form of CBD that is federally legal, legal in all 50 states, and legal in over 30 countries at the time of this post. 

Society has conditioned us to feel weird about using these plants, but we shouldn’t feel this way. The chemical science is very clear that this is a plant that can be very helpful for our health and wellness. I can say from personal experience that it’s changed my life.  There is good research showing its benefits for those with autoimmune disease, pain, inflammatory issues, brain injury, neurologic conditions and more.  

If you’re someone who struggles with pain, immune issues, or inflammation, please reach out to me. Let’s talk about it and I can help you understand all the benefits that it might offer you.

Book A Complimentary Call With Me Here – 

Below I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues.  Fill this out and review it with me.  We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/
Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1
Subscribe to my Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93EbbubPKJfZvcxdkBcL6A?


Can Your Autoimmune Disease Be Reversed?

We’ve gone from 8.3 million Americans in 1996 diagnosed with an autoimmune disease to over 50 million Americans with an autoimmune disease today. And very often people are now impacted by more than 1 autoimmune disease. 

We spend over $86 billion dollars on autoimmune disease each year in this country. There are over 80 different autoimmune diseases recognized at this time.  The most common types are Crohn’s Disease, Type I Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Scleroderma, and Psoriasis.  

Women are 3 times more likely to have an autoimmune disease. It’s the 8th leading cause of death for women between the ages of 15-64. It’s also the 3rd leading cause of chronic disease. 

Normally when you’re diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, you’re told you will have it for the rest of your life. I’m here to tell you that it’s a myth!

Were you aware that research on twins shows that they do not have the same risk factors to developing autoimmune disease. That tells us that much of the risk is coming from environmental factors, where our DNA meets our environment. It’s called epigenetics. 

I’m here to tell you that autoimmune disease does not need to be a chronic death sentence. There’s many things that can be done to improve symptoms and even create complete remission. Dare I say it, even cure the disease process.  

I’m here to offer you the gift of a free chat with me. 

One positive thing that’s come out of this COVID pandemic is global understanding of the importance of improving our overall health status. Each one of us, all across the world, need to improve our health and begin to make the right choices to have a resilient immune system.

Book A Complimentary Call With Me Here – 

During this holiday season, I’m offering a 21 Day Autoimmune Protocol Event so you and your family can be happy and healthy. Find out more here – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/5

Below I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues.  Fill this out and review it with me.  We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1

Subscribe to my Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93EbbubPKJfZvcxdkBcL6A?


Here’s Why Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis Patients Struggle With Mood Disorders

Have you been diagnosed with Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis? And also been diagnosed with a mood disorder? Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder? Have you been struggling with the emotional component of this disease? Does it make it difficult for you to move into a healthier space, to remember to take your medications and to incorporate some of the lifestyle factors that you know you could change? But, because of your mental state, it’s a real struggle. 

This is a problem for many people with Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis. It’s a very important piece of the puzzle that needs to be addressed. It becomes very embarrassing for many people having to go through this. Many of the symptoms of this disease are very hard to deal with physically and psychologically. 

One of the most difficult things when you’re dealing with an illness is to also be dealing with an emotional component of that illness. Many people find it very difficult to motivate themselves to make those lifestyle changes that will help them. The reason for feeling so down on ourselves while having these diseases are from many things, two of the big reasons being:

  1. Vagus nerve 
  2. ¾ of our neurotransmitters are created in our gut

You become out of balance in the brain from these two areas being imbalanced themselves. That makes it difficult to think, to make good decisions, to cope, and to be happy. It becomes a negative downward spiral. I see it so often in Crohn’s patients. 

I wanted to bring this to light and bring this up as a conversation. This process needs to be intervened. 

If this is something that is going on with you and you need someone to talk to, I’m here to help. I understand what you’re going through. I’ve been there. The way it makes you feel should never be pushed aside. 

Book A Complimentary Call With Me Here – 

Below I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues. Fill this out and review it with me. We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1

Subscribe to my Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93EbbubPKJfZvcxdkBcL6A?


90 Day Reset For Your Life

I wanted to talk to you about this 90 day reboot course that I’ve created. 

It provides you with many interventions that you can implement in your life to improve your health and wellness. Each week you’ll receive an educational video that will help you learn something that you can do. You’ll receive an assignment for that video so that you can apply it to your life. Each week you’ll be able to learn something new that can be applied to your life. 

At the end of the 90 days you will have made a lot of different changes that make the world of difference for your health. 

We’ll also be able to do a test that will tell us a wide variety of things so we can fully understand where you’re at with your health and what directions you need to take. As well, it will be able to determine what nutrients and minerals you need so an organic vegan farm-based individualized superfood  supplement can be created just for you and specific to your needs. And you’ll also be encouraged to complete a 5-day fasting kit to improve your detoxification, cellular and hormone health, and decrease weight.  You will receive a 30-minute consult with me to review the results of this lab test.  Depending on your results, I also gift you an additional protocol to add to this program in an area that is shown to need help on the test.  

This program is created in a way not to overwhelm you, but to educate you and provide you with the tools to live a healthier life. It shows you what is going on and how you can improve it.  

Here’s a BONUS…

The first 100 people who sign up for this course can use the coupon code – “300off” to get a $300 discount on this program.  Don’t worry if you are not one of the first 100 people because everyone who takes this course will receive a coupon for $1000 off my 16 week program when you complete this program successfully. 

Here’s the link to this course:

Come join me on this path to wellness. You won’t regret it.

Take back your energy! Your weight! Your health! Your smile! 

p.s. Below I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues. Fill this out and review it with me. We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Book A Complimentary Call With Me Here – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1


How Light and Electricity Impact Our Health and Quality Of Sleep

I wanted to talk to you today about light. And about electricity. 

Why are those important to your health?

Think about sunlight and how it has different frequencies of light during the day. Depending on the time of day there’s more UV light than other times. This infrared light is part of what triggers our body’s circadian rhythm. We’ve gone from living outside, without clothes, and without shoes to living inside, fully clothed with shoes. Our circadian rhythm is created through our eyes with light, while we eat certain types of food, and our feet connected to the ground. All of us are electric. Our bodies are electric. We have an entire area of electricity around us.  These frequency signals are like computer code and tell our body what time of day and what time of year it is and thus, sets our circadian rhythm.  

How can you use this information to make yourself healthier? And, how do some of the choices you’re making actually make you unhealthy? 

A lot of you have heard of melatonin. Many of us take this to help us sleep. Melatonin is actually a hormone that’s produced by our body in response to our established circadian rhythm based on light and electricity. It greatly impacts our ability to sleep. 

Someone who does shift work can have a very difficult time with sleeping. Shift work greatly impacts your health, especially when you’re rotating back and forth between daytime and nighttime. Then you throw in bluelight with TV’s, Ipads, and phones, and our circadian rhythm is then telling us to wake up, even if it’s completely dark out. 

If you have any issues with sleep (a very big problem that many of us have), I want to help you. There’s many things that go into sleeping: hormones, vitamin D levels, vitamin levels in general, detoxification, stress, hormones, and so much more. If you’re able to impact your circadian rhythm in a positive way, you can significantly improve your sleep and rest time. 

If I’ve sparked your interest or any of this is impacting you, then I’d love to jump on a quick complimentary call to see where you’re at and what direction to take.  

If you would like a much more personalized or in depth intervention with me, I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues. Fill this out and review it with me. We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Book A Complimentary Call With Me Here – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1


What Is Leaky Gut and How It Heavily Impacts Your Health

Have you heard terms like “microbiome”, “probiotics”, “prebiotics”, “dysbiosis”, and “leaky gut”? There’s a lot of terms like those that are thrown around in the media and medical field. 

I wanted to talk about it a little bit to help you understand how it can really impact your health and wellness.

Microbes are just little bugs, bacteria, fungus, and viruses that live on us and in us. Our human body is not just one person or organism.  It is actually a huge colony of symbiotic organisms working together. Our human health is impacted by the microbiome and vice versa. When our microbiome is balanced and healthy, we humans are healthier. When our microbiome becomes imbalanced, we get sick. 

Now, what is leaky gut syndrome? 

We have skin that lines our gut.  When they are healthy, these skin cells in our gut are stuck super tight together and they create a protective barrier where the only route to entering our body is through cellular channels. When we have dysbiosis, food allergies, or our microbiome is imbalanced, we develop inflammation in the gut. The inflammation in the skin cells of the gut cause separation between the cells.  This separation allows proteins across into our blood stream that are not supposed to be able to get across. Now we have proteins, which aren’t supposed to be there, leaking into our bodies. Our body’s see these foreign proteins and our immune system immediately reacts to them creating antibodies.  This process creates a great deal of inflammation and imbalance in our immune systems.   Over time it creates food allergies, season allergies, autoimmunity, and worse.  Our immune system is in overdrive trying to combat the constant assault from our leaky gut.  This will continue until the leaky gut is fixed.  

All of this contributes to seasonal allergies, autoimmunity, diabetes, stroke, among many other things. 

None of these disease states are normal but we’ve been made to believe that it is. 

If everything is healthy, you would never have to be on any medications of any sort. 

In functional medicine, this is where we start. We make sure to address the root cause of your health issue. In order for things to function properly, they must be in balance. 

If I’ve sparked your interest or any of this is impacting you, then I’d love to jump on a quick complimentary call to see where you’re at and what direction to take.  

If you would like a much more personalized or in depth intervention with me, I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues. Fill this out and review it with me. We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Book A Complimentary Call With Me Here – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1


The Crucial Differences Between Traditional Medicine & Functional Medicine

What is the difference between traditional western medicine and functional medicine, you ask?  

The best way to explain it is that it’s the difference between “What?” and “Why?”

In traditional medicine: What’s happening? What are your symptoms? What is your diagnosis? Which pill is prescribed for this diagnosis?

Looking deeper and dissecting the problem to find out the “Why” or the underlying root cause is not the focus in traditional medicine. That’s not to dismiss traditional medicine. It’s to say the focus is on diagnosing and prescribing, not on finding and reversing the root cause as it is in Functional Medicine.  

Functional medicine is much more focused on “Why?”.  Why are these symptoms happening? What’s the trigger? How can we address that? We’re digging deeper into the concerns of the root cause. The diagnosis matters much less because the why can be addressed without tagging a name on the disease.  When you address the “Why?” you can potentially improve the symptoms and possibly reverse the disease. 

There are many people that have a set of symptoms but don’t have a diagnosis. Often when a set of symptoms does not fit a diagnosis, the patient gets no help.  Sadly, the patient is sometimes even blamed for it and told it is all in their head.  These are the patients that fall through the cracks and get very frustrated. They’ll often hear that their tests all came back great but deep down the patient knows something is wrong.  A functional medicine doctor understands that the symptoms are your body telling you that something is wrong. And if the labs done so far have shown nothing, we may not have done the correct lab yet.  So, if your symptoms aren’t falling into a certain category, that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing we can do. Each person is different and needs an individualized approach. 

If this is you and you’ve found yourself asking these questions, then jump on a quick complimentary call with me to see where you’re at and what direction to take.  

If you would like a much more personalized or in depth intervention with me, I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues. Fill this out and review it with me. We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Book A Complimentary Call With Me Here – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1