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April 2021


The Benefits of Hugging & Why We Need Them As Humans

I wanted to talk to you about something I’ve been thinking about a lot, and that’s closeness. 

We humans are used to living together in large numbers. We’re like herd animals. We feel best when we’re together and offer support to one another. 

Our bodies, minds, and hearts need that closeness.

During and even before Covid, we’ve been very touch deprived. We’re in a technology age and we’re not as close as we used to be. We don’t hug, touch, or connect physically as often or with as many people as we used to. This impacts our health, stress levels, blood pressure, our heart rate, and so much more. 

All of these things are improved when we have a hug. A hug that lasts over 20 seconds can literally decrease your blood pressure and heart rate in that moment, and consistently through the day.  There is even some research that shows hugging daily improves our immunity and our resilience in the face of infectious illnesses.  

One thing I’ve noticed in particular is how fearful people are now. We’re not only touch deprived, but we’re afraid to touch. All of the things that once comforted us we’re now afraid of. We shouldn’t be afraid of one another. It is impacting our health. 

We deserve to be happy and comforted again. 

I suggest people start comforting and hugging one another again. I suggest we focus on not being afraid of one another. 

It’s really important that we remain human. It’s important that we remember who we are. 

Book A Complimentary 15 minute call with me here – 

Below I offer you a Free Medical Symptoms Questionnaire and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues.  Fill this out and review it with me.  We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1

Subscribe to my Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93EbbubPKJfZvcxdkBcL6A


Are You Still Struggling With The Same Health Issues You’ve Been Experiencing For Years?

How has your health journey been going? 

Are you still struggling with the same issues you’ve been experiencing for years?

Are you completely frustrated and feel like there’s no way out?

I’ve been there, BELIEVE ME! I know what it’s like to battle health issues each day. But, that’s the old me. I’ve been able to rid myself of any symptoms for years now, and I can help you too! 

Check out what people are saying…

“Dr. Campbell is very passionate about treating patients with holistic means and ultimately find solutions for her patient’s problems.” – Dr. Timothy Wasmund

“Christina has a lot of expertise in her business, cares about people and their health/well-being. I recommend her to others who want to improve their health the natural way.” – Metro Fibromyalgia

“Christina is a member of a network of people who are highly respected, recommended, and endorsed!” – Chris Swift Insurance

“Was very pleasant and offered to help us when my mother in law became ill. Answered questions and provided guidance when we needed it most.” – CITFS

“Christina mixes a great amount of knowledge and experience with care about people and their health.” – RevLocal

“She was recommended by a Healer I know and I have taken referrals from her before with very good results.” – Pat Davison

“Dr. Christina and I share very common interests when it comes to the bodies abilities to have better health & wellness. She truly cares about others well-being and helping them return the body to homeostasis!” – Tranquil Beginnings

“Dr. Campbell successfully blends an educated scientific to a humanistic, functional medicine approach, which is so necessary today.” – Holistic Healing Arts

 There’s nothing that I want more than to help you find your optimal health, like I did. 

Don’t wait another day. Take that first step today and book a complimentary call to see where you’re at with your health.



Spring Is In The Air…Or Is It Your Allergies?

Spring is in the air!

It’s a time of year we all wait for. Our days are longer and it’s warmer outside. But for some of us it can be misery. Seasonal allergies are no joke. Many people are on multiple medications because of it and in some cases some people even have to leave their homes.

If this is you, then listen up. I’m going to give you some tips that will improve your health and decrease your symptoms in allergy season. 

Over 60% of our immune system is located in our GI tract. If our gut is not healthy then there’s an irritation in our immune system. That irritation can then come out as many unwanted things. 

The allergy medications are not getting to the root cause of the problem.  These medications may help in the moment but the side effects create other problems and they do not fix the issue long term.  

Here’s some tips that can help:

  • Change your diet/get rid of those inflammatory foods
  • Increase your nutrient dense whole foods
  • Eliminate those extra sugars from your diet
  • Increase the nutrients that are needed by your intestinal tract
  • Manage your stress
  • Good healthy sleep hygiene

If these things aren’t working then that probably means we didn’t get to the root cause. There’s something else going on that needs to be addressed. 

The best thing to do is get a functional medicine practitioner to dig deep to find out exactly what’s going on. 

I can help you find that root cause. I can help you live your life without allergies.

Book A Complimentary 15 minute call with me here – 

Below I offer you a Free Medical Symptoms Questionnaire and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues.  Fill this out and review it with me.  We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1
Subscribe to my Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93EbbubPKJfZvcxdkBcL6A


Program Testimonial: Success with Gut Dysbiosis and Hashimoto’s

Amy’s one of my clients who started with me last Summer. We’ve worked together through the 16 week program where she experienced many benefits. 

Amy found out a while back (in 2012) that she had Hashimoto’s. She then sought help from a functional medicine practitioner. That really started her on her journey to healing. She knew she needed help but didn’t know where to start. 

Amy had extreme bloating and other gastrointestinal symptoms before joining my program. That was one of her biggest issues she was hoping to address. She was struggling to find the cause of these symptoms and was confused by it since she was eating healthily and everything was in harmony with her otherwise. Working through this program and getting her gut to where it needs to be has allowed her to resolve her bloating issues.  And she has been able to maintain remission with her Hashimoto’s.

With her past functional medicine practitioner she enjoyed working with her, and she did get results, but felt that there was too much supplementation. She wanted to heal her body so that her body could take care of those things on their own. She didn’t want to solely rely on supplementation. In my program we found foods and lifestyle modifications that would work for her rather than using various supplements. 

In my program I really wanted to make sure that patients had 24/7 access and their program was customized to them. It’s a partnership. We work together as you go through the program. That’s one of the things that Amy most appreciated about the program. She loved being able to reach out at any point, knowing she would have my full support. 

A huge eye opener for Amy was looking back at her history, while being in my program, and figuring out the links from her history and where her gut health and other issues stemmed from her history and timeline. In the program we were able to dive deep into her health and entire life, to match all the pieces and get to the root cause.  

“Christina has an awesome program. I would highly recommend it! I felt Like I was such a partner with you.”

Book A Complimentary 15 minute call with me here – 

Below I offer you a Free Medical Symptoms Questionnaire and then a free call to review this with me.  This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues.  Fill this out and review it with me.  We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it.  Use the link below to schedule this free offering.  

How Healthy Are You MSQ + Discovery Call pkg – 

Join my group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/212653860007387/

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dr.christinacampbell/

Subscribe for email updates – https://droilymom.activehosted.com/f/1
Subscribe to my Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93EbbubPKJfZvcxdkBcL6A