What is the difference between traditional western medicine and functional medicine, you ask?
The best way to explain it is that it’s the difference between “What?” and “Why?”
In traditional medicine: What’s happening? What are your symptoms? What is your diagnosis? Which pill is prescribed for this diagnosis?
Looking deeper and dissecting the problem to find out the “Why” or the underlying root cause is not the focus in traditional medicine. That’s not to dismiss traditional medicine. It’s to say the focus is on diagnosing and prescribing, not on finding and reversing the root cause as it is in Functional Medicine.
Functional medicine is much more focused on “Why?”. Why are these symptoms happening? What’s the trigger? How can we address that? We’re digging deeper into the concerns of the root cause. The diagnosis matters much less because the why can be addressed without tagging a name on the disease. When you address the “Why?” you can potentially improve the symptoms and possibly reverse the disease.
There are many people that have a set of symptoms but don’t have a diagnosis. Often when a set of symptoms does not fit a diagnosis, the patient gets no help. Sadly, the patient is sometimes even blamed for it and told it is all in their head. These are the patients that fall through the cracks and get very frustrated. They’ll often hear that their tests all came back great but deep down the patient knows something is wrong. A functional medicine doctor understands that the symptoms are your body telling you that something is wrong. And if the labs done so far have shown nothing, we may not have done the correct lab yet. So, if your symptoms aren’t falling into a certain category, that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing we can do. Each person is different and needs an individualized approach.
If this is you and you’ve found yourself asking these questions, then jump on a quick complimentary call with me to see where you’re at and what direction to take.
If you would like a much more personalized or in depth intervention with me, I offer you a Free MSQ and then a free call to review this with me. This questionnaire can be a useful tool in finding the root cause of your issues. Fill this out and review it with me. We will be able to evaluate where you’re at with your health and discuss ways to improve it. Use the link below to schedule this free offering.
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