I want to challenge you to take a look at your daily routine and the products that you’re using in your home. I want you to take a look at that from a toxins standpoint. Evaluate how many toxins are actually in your environment.
When we think of toxins, most of us are aware that there are 100’s of toxins in our environment. But what we’re unaware of is that most of the toxins are the ones we’re using in our homes and on our bodies.
Learn more by watching this short video.
Very interesting to note:
- Since WW2 over 85,000 synthetic chemicals have been registered with the EPA.
- Over 130,000 in European countries have been registered.
- Many of which have not been safety tested.
These are chemical products we’re using everyday without even realizing it. That’s somewhat disturbing. Just in the morning alone, the average person is using 300 or more chemicals.
How do we eliminate these toxins from our body?
Our bodies use our liver, kidneys, and skin to eliminate these chemicals, but it’s taxing on the body. Our morning routines of using soaps, shampoos, deodorants, etc all slow down the detoxification process in our bodies. These toxins put us at risk of multiple autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease or any number of chronic illnesses.
It doesn’t need to be an overwhelming process in eliminating these toxins from our environment. One step at a time makes the world of difference.
If this is something you’re interested in changing in your own life and in your home, to improve the health of everyone in your family, then take a look at the questionnaire offered and book a call with me here –
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