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August 2019

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Who Am I?

Grounding against a tree watching a cold early morning sunrise over the woods.

Who am I? I am a wife, mother, daughter, physician, friend, and if you believe my friend Amy, a bit of a bohemian hippy as she likes to call me. I don’t see myself quite like that but it always makes me smile when she says it. 

As long as I can remember, my two favorite times of the day have been sunrise and sunset. Why? Sunrise watched while listening to the birds chirp and the wind blow in the leaves is inspiring and peaceful. It energizes me for my day and reminds me that we begin again everyday. And watching the sunset at the end of the day with all it’s spectacular colors-deep reds, orange, purples, like a complete box of crayola crayons, allows for relaxation and introspection at the end of the day. I believe they are reminders from God and the Universe that we belong and that the cycle of each day should be celebrated.

Who am I? I am a healer, passionate about health and wellness through natural and nontoxic therapies. A practicing physician for 20 + years, I have seen what works and what does not. I am endlessly amazed by the incredible beauty of how our human body is intimately connected with the physics and biochemistry provided by nature. We evolved in our natural environment and our bodies learned to be our healthiest there. We become unhealthy when we do not provide ourselves with correct exposure to nature. Food and plants, light and dark, and the magnetic electrical connection with the Earth are our best medicine–they are the key to our bodies lock. My passion, is helping others unlock this healthy potential in themselves to live happier, healthier, and more productive lives.  

Who are you? And how can I improve your life?